Reach to the pinnacle of success, get whatever your heart desires, change your life for the better. Yes! You can do all this and much more. You just need to take the help
Want to make life easier knowing accurate future predictions? Vinayak Bhatt is the best astrologer in Pune offering excellent astrology services helping you to give life a new start with all positive aspects. He is
Occult Beauty in Science- Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
Since time immemorial man has been attempting to discover what already exists in nature. Indian sages had discovered many a wonderful secrets of nature through their occult knowledge and prac-tices. The modern science … Read the rest
Science and Superstition- Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
In modem scientific age, superstitions appear to be an inseparable part of human behaviour as a whole. Though many popular superstitions do not respond to the scientific test of validity, yet all of them … Read the rest
Computer Astrology- Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
Now-a-days, computer astrology is the talk of the day. The computer is a technique which facilitates mathematical computation in the blink of an eye. The human mind is a. great computer comprising a number of
Periodic Predictions – Daily, Weekly, Monthly Predictions- Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
Periodic prediction – daily, weekly or monthly – has become an indispensable feature of many daily newspapers, weekly and monthly magazines, so much so that on one side the publication
SADESATI – A MOON- Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
Sadesati is often considered as a curse. All and sundary contemplate Sadesati as a synonym of a bundle of woes and worries, irrespective of the ignorance about technical aspect of Sadesati that it
The World of Ghosts- Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
The idea of the world of ghosts is very much fascination to us just as every one feels concerned, in one way or the other, with the metaphysical existences of a heaven and
Development of Mental Faculties – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
Ancient sages had also devised certain mantras and practices in order to activate any particular faculty of mind. Because every person does not have the capacity and potentiality to make out the
Qualities of an Occult Astrologer–Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
An expert occultist appears to be physically sound and emotionally balanced exhibiting a peaceful radiation all around. 1 Ie can help suicidal and dejected personalities to restore emotional balance by improving their self-image. … Read the rest
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