Due to a large number of queries, we are restricting our free services to a limited number of people. If you want immediate consultation, then you can book your appointment with Mr. Vinayak Bhatt.
Jai Guru Dev!
This page is intended to analyze the problems of those genuine people who are cheated with many astrological consultations with no effect. It is for those who genuinely seek solutions to their teething problems but are not sure whom to consult. This is an online free astrology consultancy service.
Before Writing Down Your Problem, Follow This:
1. Take a deep breath clear your mind of all confusion. Focus on your problem.
2. Think and take the name of Your family God Pray.
3. Think and chant the name of your favorite deity (e.g., Sri Hanuman)
4. Remember your Guru/Parents. Seek his/her blessings.
5. Think of a number between 1-249, write down the number, and state your problem. And post your problem in the Comment Section of this blog.
I will definitely respond to your problem if it is genuine. Please do not ask mundane questions. Ask only if something is pestering you and only if you are GOD fearing.
Note: I will answer your queries only if above mentioned 5 steps are fulfilled.
As it is a free service don’t ask more than one question. I will answer only one question from one person. I will completely ignore it if a person asks more than one question.
Some Sample Questions (Only Ask These Kinds of Questions Because These are Prompt Questions)
✅Relationship Questions: These are the big all-time number-one questions, year in and year out. Should I marry this girl? Will my wife come back to me? Should I get a divorce?
✅Financial Questions: Questions about buying and selling property are common. Should I try to sell my house in the coming year? Should I try to sell my house myself? When will my house sell? Ask any other financial questions about specific investments of all kinds. Should I loan him the money? Will the insurance company pay me? Can I get the loan?
✅Medical and Health Questions: Do I have the right surgeon? Should I have the surgery? Do I have cancer? Medical astrology is a specialty. These questions depend on the expertise of the astrologer in this field and the legal and ethical issues involved.
God Bless You
Jai Guru Dev
Get genuine and point-to-point consultations like career, education, finance, love/arrange marriage, health, kids, or any other personal queries, contact Vinayak Bhatt for Astrology Consultation.