MAR 2023
Nava Durga Mantra Jaap in Navaratri and Remedies
Devi Shailputri Mantra
“वन्दे वंचित लाभाय, चंद्रार्धकृतशेखरम् |
वृषारुधम शूलधरम शैलपुत्रीम यशस्विनीम ||”
“Vande Vanchhit Laabhaay, Chandrardhkritshekharaam |
Vrisharudham Shooldharaam Shailputriim Yashaswinim ||”
Devi Brahmcharini Mantra
“दधाना कर पद्माभ्यामक्षमाला कमंडलू |
देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा ||”
“Dadhaanaa Kar Padmaabhyaamakshmala Kamandaloo |
Devi Prasidatu Mayi Brahmcharinyanuttamaa ||”
Devi Chandraghanta Mantra
“पिंडज प्रवारुध चंडकोपास्त्रकैर्युता |
प्रसादम तनुते मध्यम चंद्रघण्टेति विश्रता ||”
“Pindaj Pravaarudh chandkopastrkairyuta |
Prasadam Tanute Madhyam Chandraghanteti vishrutaa ||”
Devi Kushmanda Mantra
सूरासम्पूर्ण कलशम रुधिराप्लुतमेव चा |
दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कुष्मांडा शुभदास्तु में ||”
“Suraasampoorna Kalasham Rudhiraaplutamev Cha |
Dadhaanaa Hastpadmaabhyaam Kushmanda Shubhdaastu Me ||”
Devi Skandmata Mantra
“सिंहसंगताम् नित्यं पद्मांचित करद्वय |
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कंदमाता यशस्विनी ||”
“Sinhaasangataam Nityam Padmaanchit Kardwayaa |
Shubhdaastu Sadaa Devi Skandmata Yashaswini ||”
Devi Katyayani Mantra
“चंद्रहासोज्ज्वल करा शार्दूलवरवाहन |
कात्यायनी शुभम दद्याद देवी दानवघातिनी ||”
“Chandrahaasojjval Karaa Shaardoolvarvaahanaa |
Katyayani Shubham Dadyaad Devi Daanavghatini ||”
Devi Kalratri Mantra
“एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नागना खरास्थिता |
लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिका करनी तैलाभ्यक्तशरीरिणी ||
वाम पादोलासल्लोहलाता कंटकभूषणा |
बर्धन मूरधम ध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयंकरी ||”
“Ekveni Japakarnpoora Nagna Kharaasthita |
Lamboshthi Karnika karni Tailaabhyaktshariirini ||
Vaam Paadollasallohlata Kantakbhushanaa |
Bardhan Moordham Dhwajaa Krishnaa Kalratrirbhayankari ||”
Devi Mahagauri Mantra
“श्वेते वृषेशमरुधा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः | महागौरी शुभं दद्यंमहादेव प्रमोददा ||”
“Shwete Vrishesamarudha Shwetaambardhara Shuchih |
Mahagauri Shubham Dadyanmahadev Pramodadaa ||”
Devi Siddhidatri Mantra
“सिद्ध गंधर्व यक्षद्यैरासुरैरमारैरपि |
सेव्यामन सदाभुयात सिद्धिदा सिद्धिदायिनी ||”
“Siddha Gandharva Yakshdyairasurairamarairapi |
Sevyamaanaa Sadabhuyaat Siddhida Siddhidayini ||”
Daana for all Planets
Remedies for Sun
<12kg of wheat
Gemstone of Surya with golden dollar or golden string or golden chain or golden ring or golden earing (Gemstone reacts only with Gold)
Red Sandalwood (more than a fist full) – for health
Red silk cloth with gold border
<3kg of wheat with a copper vessel – for family issues
The Sun interrupts the horoscope in 4 areas:
Maintenance of family
Social life
Remedies for Moon
4 carat Basra pearl, comes from the sea
Rice <10kg
White silk cloth with gold border
Silver vessels
Small container of silver filled with milk
Remedies for Mars
Red silk cloth with golden border
<7kgs of toor dhal
Copper triangle
Gemstone of Mars, red coral, with golden dollar
Silver nagaprati?
Remedies for Mercury
Acts as conjunct planet
Yellow silk cloth with gold border
Emerald with golden dollar
Vishnu graha – saligramas For good energy of Buddha
Tulsi mala
Tulsi plant
Grantha Dhana
<11kg of moong dhal
Vedic Grantha like Geeta
Remedies for Jupiter
<16kg of Chana
Bronze vessel
<4 carat of Gem with golden dollar
Plantation of trees
Remedies for Venus
<25kg Ishpava
<3kg Ishpava with white silk cloth without border, wrap dhanya dhana in the cloth – for finance and unity
Remedies for Saturn
<1kg Tila(sesame seeds) with iron vessel
<5kg Tila
Dark blue cloth with golden border
Food donation to homeless/beggars
Donation of steel utensils
Gemstone with golden dollar
Remedies for Rahu
Ratna varna Shoor Varna and Veera Varna (Varna = color)
Red silk cloth with golden border
Grey silk cloth with golden border
<8kg of Bengal gram
Iron, zinc or steel vessel
Lead vessel, small cup, bangles or anklets
Shivling made of Mercury
Mala beads made of Mercury
Remedies for Ketu
Any red gem
<9kg of Horse gram
<5kg Jaggery
Red silk cloth with golden border
Chain/mala with red stone
Silk cloth and dhanya is mandatory for donation (border = prosperity and luxury).
Cloth – indication of protection
Dhanya – what we take in/ energy
Sandhi Dosha
The quantity must be equal to Maha Dasha
Rahu Braspati (Rahu Dasha is 18 years)
18kg of bengalgram and 18kg of chana is mandatory
Shukra Ditya (Venus Dasha is 20 years)
20kgs of ishpava dhanya and 12kgs of wheat is mandatory
Kuja Rahu (Mars Dasha is 7 years, Rahu Dasha is 18 years)
7kg of toor dhal and 18kg of bengalgram is mandatory
Please Note: You can donate all the items mentioned above for each planet, and it is recommended to donate for each planet individually. In case you are unable to donate all the items, you can donate at least one item according to your wish.
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Vinayak Bhatt is a renowned astrologer who offers a range of astrology consultation services to clients from all over India. He is known for his accuracy and insight in his predictions, He has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of astrology, and his compassionate and non-judgmental approach.
Some of the consultation services offered by Vinayak Bhatt include: –
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2. Astrological Consultation: 3-Questions Report in 5-6 days for Rs. 2,500/-
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These are just a few of the many consultation services offered by Vinayak Bhatt. He is known for his expertise and experience in the field of astrology, and his consultations are highly recommended for anyone seeking guidance and insight into their life.
Consultations may cover topics such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth. Some astrologers may also offer guidance on specific events or periods in an individual’s life, such as upcoming transits or progressions.
It’s important to note that astrology should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health care. If you are seeking advice or treatment for a specific health condition, it’s best to consult with a qualified healthcare professional.
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